Thursday, July 1, 2010

Going out of my mind!

So I guess I was too excited to come home from LA, I forgot what I was coming back to. Now before people start getting all sorts of offended, Logan is a great place, but coming from LA with so many things to do and so many opportunities, it's definitely a change of pace. I came back expecting to have an amazing summer filled with romance, sunshine, and excitement, and all though I have had some of those things, I am just flat our bored all of the time!

I've been trying to find a job, which is a bummer. I have no friends in Logan who are available to just hang out and keep me entertained, and have I mentioned .... I'm just flat our bored.

Ugghhhh.....its pretty frustrating. I can't blame Mike, he's just too busy trying to keep us afloat to hang out with me, and I have been exercising and dieting for something to do (to gain the extra lbs I gained in LA), that I might be going out of my mind.

Not only that but the fact that since I have moved back I feel like I really need to go see a shrink, I don't know if that's crazy or if its normal for one to feel like they're losing all sanity at one point in life, but I definitely have lost mind. I can't clean my house any more than I have, the plants can't be watered anymore before they drown, and Bella cannot be brushed, bathed, tooth-brushed ear cleaned, every day (really she hates it). I also have had some pretty crazy realistic dreams that wake me up in sweats and rage. I hate it!

So really, If this post makes any sense at all....HELP!!! I need suggestions on how to stay busy, things I can do on my own considering the situation, and how to bring back the romance, sunshine, and excitement that I am so longing for this summer.



Tyler and Megan said...

wait for me to come back in a week or so. Then I will be back to my normal amount of boredness and we can be together. bored. At least you have a car!

Bec and Dave said...

Jess Jess that sucks so bad!! I'm sorry I wasnt able to hang out this past weekend although I totally would have loved it. goin campin like we used to and stuff. I know what youre talkin about cause thats how I felt the first couple months we moved here and its really hard to go through... If I were you i'd probly turn to family, yours or mikes and see what you can do for them. or take the afternoon to prepare a simple, but romantic evening for you and Mike. I know how disappointing it is to plan for this awesome summer and then not get it... but do your best to make it happen in different ways!! love you! good luck!!!

Than & Lina said...

I've been kinda having a hard time with things too. Bummer summer, not many friends, husband gone A LOT! This may sound cheesey, but I keep reading it EVERYWHERE so I guess I should pay attention- to get through your own hard times, serve others. It can just be simple things: smile, plate of cookies, surprise for Mike, help some old lady put groceries in her car, call/visit someone... I don't know. I need some ideas of my own. Now that I suggested it to you, I guess I better get on it, huh? Let me know if you have good ideas for me to try :) I've also tried to come up with some projects and do some of the things that I have been putting off for way too long (whether it be deep cleaning, make some new recipe, scrapbook/journal...). Good luck!