Sunday, May 10, 2009


Spring feel like it has finally come to Logan! After a couple of weeks of heavy rain it was time for housework, yard work, lawn care, BBQ's, demolition derbies, and rock climbing.  

I love spending time outside so first thing on my list was a patio, sprinklers, and grass. With the help of Devin and a huge help from my hard-working wife the patio and fire pit turned out pretty sweet. Anyone is welcome to come and roast a mallow when you see the fire going. 
Jessica also persuaded me to make shutters on our front window. I had to take down the mailbox and we found a big hole for the original mailbox slot that lead into the home. So Jess and I made a new address sign to place over the hole and our mailbox is sitting on the front step and the mail man hates it. We received a note yesterday from the mailman that read, "please fix mailbox!" its still on the step. 
Bella is huge and a hand full. The potty training is good, we just have to run as fast as we can when we hear her wiper at the door to go out or else its too late. Between the nipping, chewing shoes, or chewing on Jessica's wedding ring its been fun to have her around. 

It's Mothers day and I just wanted to give a little tribute to Marilyn and Ieda. 
Thanks for the love and support Jessica and I have received from you two. We couldn't do it without you two! I know I have been a hand full with both of you, I figure that Marilyn had it coming, but Ieda didn't deserve it from me, just Jessica. 
It is funny to see how much children are alike to their parents even though sometimes we try or don't want to be. It is something that we may never get rid of. I always see little pieces of Ieda in Jessica and Jessica always sees little bits of Marilyn in me. Like when I over decorate the Lemonade. 
We love you and hope you realize that we have the best Mother & Mother in-laws ever! Thanks for showing love to Bella we will need a babysitter in December when we are in Brazil! 


Martha said...

Jess, the pit and shutters look good :)