Thursday, May 14, 2009

School's out for SuMMeR!!!

Tiny House Bedroom - Hand Rendering
Tiny House Kitchen - Max Rendering

So School's out, which is amazing! here are some projects I turned in towards the end of the semester!

This is an animation we did of our tiny house. It's not great considering we learned how to use the program in one class period. But its about 30 seconds and took 36 hours to render!!!

So As I don't think I've mentioned before, I got into the Interior Design Studio at Utah State. I was so proud of myself, considering I didn't think I would make it. They only took 19 students, if not less. Anyway, I'm just taking in all the summer I can since next year will be really hard and super busy, but bring it on!


Than & Lina said...

This is amazing!

Kristopher and Jessica said...

hey Jess,

I don't know if you knew I had a blog too. I am horrible at updating it but you can check it out.

your hand-rendering thing was totally cool. It looked very hard!!! Good work!

Erika @ Style Me Green said...

I wrote Pizazz, and the spell checker changed all of the bad words for me in word... bad idea when you write things like html and url but i must have missed correcting that one