Saturday, January 3, 2009

So 2008 is gone and here we are, in a new year and ready for a new beginning. As the new year ended mike and I were part of many events. On december 20th our good friends Ryan Jones and Megan Haslam were married in the Logan temple and we were able to attend their beautiful ceremony and be part of their special day.

Then of course, christmas came and we had the opportunity of going to salt lake and spending a couple of days with my crazy, loud, but very fun brazilian family. We ate way too much and sang kareoke. It was good to see everyone together, and we had a great time.

On December 27th, Travis Dunaway and Kate Earl got married in the Timpanogos temple, and we were very happy to be a part of their day also. Kate looked stunning and the reception was beautiful. They had a fun photobooth and we were able to get all the friends together for some really great pictures. (which i can't post cause my scanner is currently not working.)

The next great event was Amy's wedding/New Years Eve. Amy Watts Knudsen (as we now call her) decided at the spur of the moment to get married on new years eve. At first we were all shocked, but rapidly rearranged our schedules and did our best to make this day very special for her. It all went very well and after quite a bit of effort from Andi and Marilyn, then wedding came together like a dream. It was beautiful. Her ceremony was an emotional one, especially for mike. The reception was so much fun and we almost danced up until the ball dropped. unfortunately, we were all too exhausted to wait for the real count down, so we did one 15 minutes early, and started cleaning up.

The night was still young when we left, and as mike and i were on our way home, the clock struck 12! We drove the streets honking the horn and shouting "Happy new Year!" It was great to contemplate on the very eventful year it had been for the both us.
Since 2008 started we became closer as a couple, went on a beautiful spring break trip to havasupai falls, where we got engaged, finished 2 semesters of school, planned a wedding, bought a house, remodeled the basement, got renters, enjoyed a hot and very long summer, got married in the most beautiful place (the salt lake temple), had a beautiful reception with all the ones we love, went on an amazing honeymoon to MAUI, moved in to our new little home, started and finised a very hard semester of school for the both of us, and now you are all caught up! It truly was a very eventful and amazing year!

So getting back to the story, we arrived home where we enjoyed a great new years kiss, got into our sweats and headed over to my in-laws house for a late night game of "Ticket to Ride" with leslie, nolan, and nat! We played till wee hours of the night, and had a hard time waking up the next morning. New Years day was a slow, but relaxing day. We hung around and made some good New Years resolutions. Here are some ( maybe you could help me keep them):

- Teach Mike portuguese: we have started this by putting a sticky note on every item in our house with the items name in portuguese, then the english translation.

- Plan our trip to Brazil - we want to go visit my family either in the summer, or during christmas break!

-Go to Brazil - maybe bring whoever wants to join us
- Be more active - this last year i have been pretty disappointed in myself, I have become quite lazy, and the spot on the couch where i usually sit with my laptop is starting to wear. I need to be more active (unlike right now) and make an effort on a daily basis to exercise

- Learn to cook- I feel like a terrible wife, because i'm not a very good cook. My poor husband comes from a family with amazing cooks, and i feel he is getting skinnier because of my lack of cooking skill!

-Keep my house clean - I usually do a pretty good job, but lately i've been slacking. I need to be on top of the daily house chores and not leaving them till saturday like i have been.

- Be more patient - I feel like with time I have become more snappy and sassy with people. My goal is to be more patient and understanding witht he ones I love.
- Be on time - I blame my tardiness on my brazilian blood, but I do admit that I have to do a better job of being on time to things because mike is very punctual and he gets very upset when we're late. I also can't procrastinate homework.

So there are juts a few. Here are some pictures of these events!

Football Game Sushi Time

Dancing Painting

Seven Peaks Bridals

Temple August 16th, 2008 Maui Honeymoon
My 20th Birthday Family Pictures/ Thanksgiving

Roosters before BYU vs. USU game USU vs. BYU at the Energy Solutions Arena

Lots of snow!!!! Watts Family Dinner

Watts Family Plaque Photo Natalie wasn't even drinking....haha

Dave and Marilyn have the moves! The sisters breaking it down

impressing that she was completely sober but singing...........