Well Hello,
It's been along time since either of us have shared what's new in our lives but, maybe that is because nothing much has changed. We are still working hard, enjoying great times with family and friends, traveling when we can, reading good books, and enjoying new TV series.
Jessica has been working hard at Serendipity as well as Immaculate homes. She truly has an amazing talent for design work and has been working hard on many projects here in the valley. Immaculate should be grateful they have someone so talented and hardworking.
I have also been staying busy trying to increase my professional financial planning business. I work with amazing people and am glad to be in a profession that truly helps individuals, families, and businesses fulfill and reach their financial goals. I can honestly say that the work and plans I have helped people create and implement are life changing. I am pretty proud of that.
It's been a little gloomy and cold here in Logan. When it's cold and grey outside Jess and I love to make good food and play fun games with friends till the late hours of the night, but we have noticed lately we have just been cuddled up together some nights watching our TV shows.
We have great friends here in Logan that we try to spend a lot of time with, but we do miss Jer & Steph, Dev & Nikki, Bouk & Hailey, Dave & Becca, and now Tom & Lauren while they are in South America. We miss you all and all the fun we had Together. Ticket to Ride isn't that fun with just Jess and I. Luckily we have downloaded the iPhone app and play with Chuck and Amy online.
The one good thing with friends moving away is that we have free places to stay. I really look forward to traveling east to stay with Jackson and Celest in North Carolina or Dave and Becca in DC. We really wanted to make it out to China to visit Bouk and Haley, but Sam had to steal our week with them and go propose over there, I mean Geez. We are trying hard to plan for another trip with Bouk and Haley. Mexico was a blast with them and they are always fun to be with. Here is a little pic from our Mexico trip with Bouk and Hailey with some friends we met form New Orleans.
As for the TV shows we are addicted to...there is a lot, but they are all amazing. We love Breaking Bad, Walt and Jesse are amazing. Season 4 was terrific and left me excited for season 5. We like Walking Dead, Idon't really know why. Homeland, cool plot, good acting, and good surprise. We love going to eat sushi with Marilyn & Dave on Wednesdays then going to their house to watch Modern Family. Sherlock on BBC is my new favorite.

Benedict Cumberbatch is terrific, the dialog is fantastic. We also like New Girl, just because of Zooey. These are just the good ones. We won't mention the other shows we are addicted to for
fear of embarrassment and shame.
The problem is all the good shows are on the same season cycle, so we had to think of someway to pass the time, so we booked a relaxing cruise. We were able to spend 2 days in Miami, which is an awesome
city. If you have the chance to go there make sure you go to Joe's Stone Crabs (thanks for the recommendation Jer). Don't order anything but the stone crab. Also make it to CVI.CHE in downtown Miami, amazing Peruvian style seafood and Ceviche dishes, great ambiance too.
After Miami we had an amazing trip with NCL cruise line. I'm telling you cruises are not a bad way to travel. I always thought I would hate a cruise, because I've always been someone who likes setting up shop in one location and exploring that location to the fullest. I really enjoyed the cruise. Great beaches, great activities always going on the boat, great food that's served all the time, it was just a good time with my wonderful wife. It was very relaxing, not having to worry about where to go, how to get there, were to eat and what to do, like other vacations we have done together. It was just relaxing. I had time to finish a great book too.
I had heard so many things about the "Hunger Games", and Jess kept telling me how excited she is for the movie, so I finally read it. It was a great book. I was
carrying my book with me everywhere and I usually don't do that with books. Jess was even mad because I was reading at the dinner table. It was an entertaining book, now I need to start the next one in the series. Jess also finished her book called "The Postcard Killers" written by James Patterson and Liza Marklund. She also enjoyed her book, but she did mention how it was kinda scary to read a book about murderers that killed couples while they were on vacation. That had me wondering what would happen to someone who did commit a crime on a crew ship? Seems like a movie could be made about that.
We are back on dry land and life is good. Unfortunately we came back to Logan when all the snow fell this year. We are thankful for the moisture and the fun time I was able to have with the Woods snowmobiling up the canyon yesterday. We are looking forward to the Spring and all the adventures that await us this year.